As a professional Course, our special mission is to prepare our young students to get ready for life, for the challenges of this new century in the workplace, in the family, in the community. We aim to help students learn about the recent advanced in Medical/Nursing Sciences and to bridge the gap between theory and practice, so that they can create a future for themselves and the clients. We are very proud of our student's achievements, both inside the classroom, in external exams and in a wide range of extra-curricular activity.
We constantly take pride in the excellent caliber of our staff and the professioanlism and support of our management.
The Nursing students need to be prepared in such a way that they gain clinical expertise, technical management skills and cultural competence to cope with increasing complexity of life, legel and ethical orientation, converging theory and practice, professional assertiveness, communication skills, evaluation of care and research.
Nurses today must be able to grow and evolve on order to meet the demands of dramatically changing health care system. We can create the changes on students by excellent guidance and lift up their future.